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Romania in Europe. His was an era in the mind of the Great God given humanity to them to understand the meaning of life.
Here we just describe few examples. Voltaire in Le Fanatisme de la religion chrétienne — not only is this the best seller of Voltaire, and the most internationally popular French literary work of the 18th century, but it is also the most widely read book in the entire Western tradition. It is one of the few Western works that, over the centuries, has been so widely taught and studied that it is found in many universities as a required text. Voltaire's philosophy is a combination of René Descartes, rationalism, rationalism-influenced English philosophy, a strong distrust of authority, an interpretation of the Bible based on textual studies, and even British empiricism. However, his best friend was an atheist, and he was not a good one, and it is not that he was a heretic, though he was considered such by ac619d1d87
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